Superfly Seat Install


Get ready to Install the No.1 purpose built, Freestyle seat for the Blaster.

Please have a quick scan through the whole process prior to starting, then commence.

Tools - Here are the tools that you will need to make the process super easy.

  • 1mm, 2.5mm Drill Bit
  • battery drill
  • Phillips Screw Driver / Phillips Drill Bit

Fitting the seat base to the ski has been made super easy with alignment holes already in the base lid.

1st, Sit the base in its position up against the OEM seat locating dowels. Ensure base is sitting square.


With 1mm bit,  drill through the guide holes already in the seat base, *Ensure the hinges are in the closed position as shown in image. This gives you the exact position where the hinges are to be mounted. 

Once you have drilled these holes, Remove the base and drill out the 2 holes with a larger 2.5 mm drill bit, then put a small counter sink in the top of the hole. 

 Using some soap on the CSH screws, fit off the hinges in preparation for the final 2 holes.

You can now drill through the 2 remaining holes, and secure the hinges

Next fit the cowl bracket.

This sits in the centre of the Hood and up about 5mm from the join. Be careful when drilling here, as there are brass inserts in about 20mm. If the drill hits something hard, don't force it.

Use soap to help fit the round head screws.

Now your seat is ready for fitting.

Hook the seat front catch under the cowel bracket. Then simple lock the rear T-Bar to the latch and your done!

** Please note, these are special hinges with a removable hinge pin. A slight tap with a hammer and you can slide the pin out. Remove the Fly seat base and the OEM seat can go straight back on. You have the choice of seats now within seconds. 
If your never going to run the factory seat again, which most people don't, we recommend removing all the old SS clips. Much cleaner and safer for freeride. This also frees up space for bilge switchs, primers etc.

There are cover plates available in the on-line shop if you wish to block the holes.



See the PDF document for all the information to upgrade your Spark to a wheelie poppin, backflipping, sharp turning shred machine.